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ATAKUM Housing For Sale prices and listings | EUR

Different housing types for sale in Samsun Atakum, 1+1 investment property in Atakum Sansun, 1+1 for sale on the 3rd floor in Samsun Atakum, Perfect residence for investment in Atakum Büyükoyumcu, 2+1 for sale in samsun atakum, apartment for sale in samsun atakum buyukoyumca mah. | EUR

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Atakum house sales and statistics

YearTotalMortgaged SaleOther SaleFirst Hand saleSecond Hand Sale

Source: General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (GDLRC)

Districts with a total number of house sales of 20 or more in any month during the year are included.

Mortgaged sales are demonstrating the same house as collateral for loan guarantee to build houses purchased by borrowing.

Other house sales cover the types of sales other than mortgaged house sales.

First hand sale is the first time sale of a house by the company or person which took ownership by apartments/sharing access by apartments.

Second hand sale refes to all residental sales that take place after the first sale.